In the summer of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, one of the most famous UFO incidents took place. it is still an ongoing debate; was it a weather balloon that crashed or a UFO from another universe...
The "Tic Tac" incident is one of the most stunning videos of recent times. The USS Nimitz was conducting training exercises off the coast of Southern California.
In 1997 over Phoenix, Arizona, a series or orb shaped lights, slightly curved across the night sky. 1000s of people saw the massive v shaped object in the night sky, could they all have been mistaken..?
In 2017 the US government released 3 videos which included this amazing footage captured by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet using the Raytheon ATFLIR Pod. To this day there is no explanation, ts been studied by many and there is still no answer...
In 1994, 60 children at Ariel school in Ruwa, Zimbabwe said they'd seen a 'UFO' and 'aliens with big eyes' in bush land near their school playground. The story was reported around the world. The children all drew what they saw and heard - an incredible story that hasn't changed and remained deep in the minds of these now adult witnesses.
The sightings began on the early hours of 26 December 1980 when three US military personnel spotted lights above Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, UK and described a triangular looking entity landing.
The encounters didn't stop there, with witnesses claiming the unidentified flying objects returned the following two nights. Was this a prank
The sightings began on the early hours of 26 December 1980 when three US military personnel spotted lights above Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, UK and described a triangular looking entity landing.
The encounters didn't stop there, with witnesses claiming the unidentified flying objects returned the following two nights. Was this a prank or did qualified military personnel see something they shouldn't have
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